Middle East
- Construction and implementation of a demonstration field for decentralized waste water treatment plants, Tehran
- Technical assistance to the Jordanian EPC: Preparation of transaction documents for the construction and operation of a WWTP under a PPP scheme, Suweimeh
- Master study in Integrated Water Resources Management, Leipzig
- Trainings “O&M of water network system” for the Ministry of Energy and Water, Leipzig
- Rehabilitation of water supply and waste water disposal
Palestinian Territories
- Human Resources and Organisational Development (HROD) Programme, Tulkarem, West Bank
- Water and sewerage master plan for the North & North West region of the West Bank
- Tender evaluation: O&M of two sewerage treatment plants, Leipzig
- Advisory services to the regional water establishment, Damascus Rif
- Introduction of performance indicators for Syrian water establishments and public sewage companies
- Water loss reduction programme Aleppo: Investment Fund for Water Management
- Training programme „Management of waste water treatment“, Leipzig
United Arab Emirates
- Provision of training for sewerage O&M staff, Fujairah