Water. Wastewater. Worldwide
Peru / Arequipa: ToR O&M
SaWa was commissioned by GIZ Peru to draw up a list of services as well as the corresponding tender documents for the O&M of two WW-TPs and one Water Works (WW) for the SEDAPAR in Arequipa.
Afghanistan. Kabul, Mazar-e Sharif. Water Sector Reform Programme
As a consortial partner, Sachsen Wasser contributes to a GIZ-funded programme in the Afghan water sector that focuses on training water operators from a number of utilities at two locations (in Kabul and Mazar).
Read more … Afghanistan. Kabul, Mazar-e Sharif. Water Sector Reform Programme
Germany. Grammetal. Operations and maintenance / Wastewater
The Wastewater Association of Grammetal contracted Sachsen Wasser on 1th of January 2017 to perform the O&M services related to the wastewater facilities of its disposal area. The contract was agreed for 10 years.
Read more … Germany. Grammetal. Operations and maintenance / Wastewater
Armenia. Yerevan, Lori, Shirak, Nor Akunq. Technical Audit
Sachsen Wasser has been contracted as Independent Technical Auditor for the first five years of a major Lease Contract covering the water and wastewater infrastructure within most of the Armenian territory.
Read more … Armenia. Yerevan, Lori, Shirak, Nor Akunq. Technical Audit
Tajikistan. Nurek, Khorog. Corporate Development
In the previous phase, in terms of institutional development, the water company of Khorog (owned by the KMK) has developed an MIS and increased its institutional capacity and capacity to procure goods and services in line with international standards.
Read more … Tajikistan. Nurek, Khorog. Corporate Development
Georgia. Tbilisi. Water and Energy Efficiency
Sachsen Wasser was hired by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to perform a detailed resource efficiency assessment of Georgia Water and Power (GWP), a major water utility company and producer of hydroelectric power based in Tbilisi.
Kosovo. Gjakova. Sewage Disposal in Southwest Kosovo
Sachsen Wasser continues to work closely with the regional water company Radoniqi in Gjakova with the aim to further im-prove the operational and financial performance of the company and to prepare it for properly operating the new assets from the parallel investment programme, including a central WWTP.
Read more … Kosovo. Gjakova. Sewage Disposal in Southwest Kosovo
Kosovo. Peja. Wastewater Accompanying Measures
Sachsen Wasser with their international and local partners have been awarded an Accompanying Measures Project funded by KfW and SECO on behalf of the regional water company Hidrodrini in Peja in Western Kosovo.
Bosnia and Herzegovina. Brcko. Feasibility Study
Sachsen Wasser was contracted to prepare a comprehensive feasibility study (FS), to provide an overview of the “JP Komunalno Brcko” procedures and technical, operational, environmental, social, and financial performance, to determine define the basis for the company's restructuring objectives within the loan document.
Read more … Bosnia and Herzegovina. Brcko. Feasibility Study